2011 AAMBC Awards COMING soon
Catering to the independent writer and artist the annual AAMBC Literary Awards is set to announce the official winners at the 1st annual Baltimore Urban Book Festival on April 10, 2011 at the The Fredrick Douglass-Issac Myers Maritime Park Museum. For the third year AAMBC will honor those who made an impact in the industry with new categories such as Reader’s Choice and Honoree categories such as Awarding of the Indie Writer Sponsorship Award, Literary Legend Award Honoree, and Urban Fiction Book of the Year Honoree. With the same goal in mind of exposing prominent independent writers, there is no other award like AAMBC.
With a new development of the AAMBC awards committee who will take it upon themselves to select the honorees this year’s Award Ceremony is destined to take it to an all new greater heights.
With a new development of the AAMBC awards committee who will take it upon themselves to select the honorees this year’s Award Ceremony is destined to take it to an all new greater heights.
More info visit http://2011aambcawards.eventbrite.com